Getting There
The Kimihia Research Centre for agricultural research is the home of Turf Days™ and is located in Lincoln, Canterbury.
742 Tancreds Road, Lincoln 7676
The Kimihia Research Centre is located in Lincoln, a short 25-minute drive from Christchurch Central City. Kimihia was chosen as the suitable location for Turf Days™ as it has the capacity to not only host exhibiting companies and attendees of Turf Days™, but to make the event setting feel spacious and intimate at the same time.
If travelling from Christchurch Central, the journey to Lincoln is easy to navigate via the Christchurch Southern Motorway and Springs Road thereafter. The Southern Motorway can be accessed from multiple locations including Brougham Street and Curletts Road. After travelling through Prebbleton, signage on Springs Road will lead you to the Kimihia Research Centre on Tancreds Road, with onsite parking available for Turf Days™ attendees.
Useful information about parking, accommodation and transport:
Is there parking on site?Parking is available on site at Turf Days™, follow the instructions of our Marshals.
Are there preferred accommodation providers?There are no preferred accommodation providers for Turf Days™, however, we recommend that accommodation in the Riccarton Road and Christchurch Central areas be secured. Turf Days™ will have bus transport operating to the event from these two locations.
Are there alternative forms of transport to Turf Days™?Yes, bus transport will be running from both the Riccarton Road and Christchurch Central areas to and from the event. Bus tickets can be purchased as an add-on to your Turf Days™ ticket.
Can I leave Turf Days™ and come back on the same day?No, for reasons including health and safety, there will be no pass-outs for ticket holders of Turf Days™ 2022.